Dirty O Spectator Rules

The Spectator class oval car racing series is open to anyone with a valid driver’s license. Yes, 16 & 17-year-olds can now race! Prepare a qualified race vehicle and get ready to go door-to-door to battle for the win! This series competes at all four Tournament of Destruction events plus *new for 2020* a fifth round at the Eve of Haunted Destruction on October 10th. Each race is still 10-laps and is within the walls of the Team Demo track; not the 3/8 mile dirt oval.

The competing driver must purchase $25 pit pass at each event. No additional entry fees collected for the race. Competitor entrance to Dirt Oval is Gate 14 off Rowell Road. Vehicles towing/hauling a race car/truck will not pay parking fee. Any other vehicles trying to enter through Gate 14 will be charged $5 for parking. View our Directions page for assistance locating the track and navigating the facility.